I think you're on mute - Jan 7 - Feb 14 2021 shown in the Backspace gallery of the Art Gallery of Ballarat www.artgalleryofballarat.com.au
This is a series of drawings that reflect the digital reality which dominated 2020 and the work from home life so many of us experienced. It's a direct response to the digital platforms that provided us with human connection while we remained physically distant. There is a total of 78 drawings. 64 small ink drawings that were hung in a large grid as if it where an online meeting and people are searching for the unmute button. This piece is titled 'I think you're on mute'. Each individual image is 15x 15cm the whole piece measuring approx 1.5 * 1.5 mtrs. I wanted the squinting images to be humorous, make someone look back and laugh about this time . I wanted visitors to the gallery to squint back at the people while they took in the fine detail and recall those moments in those frequent zoom calls and connect with that experience.
Then 14 Large mixed media coloured images each measuring 78*66cm. All are titled with the catch phrases we all so often heard during online meetings. The titles are meant to show there there is much to look back and laugh about.